'Die by Died' is a Strangely Named Action Platformer with a Heavy 'Castlevania' Vibe - Videogames Blogs

'Die by Died' is a Strangely Named Action Platformer with a Heavy 'Castlevania' Vibe

Developer Wei Shi has a new game in the works, and despite its odd name it's really looking promising so far. It's called Die by Died and it's an action platformer with RPG elements that's scheduled to release on February 22nd. Starting with your trusty default handgun, you'll dispatch all manor of creepy enemies as you explore levels, collect items and coins, and eventually unlock even fiercer types of weapons. Check out this gameplay trailer of Die by Died to get an idea of what it's like.

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If you're thinking Die by Died looks familiar, well, the main character does appear very similar to Dante from Devil May Cry. But if you're thinking it looks familar beyond that, it's because this is a remake of sorts of Wei Shi's previous iOS game called Evil Trek which released a little over a year ago. The game is no longer aviailable, but you can still read about it in our forums. People seemed to dig the aesthetic in Evil Trek but a very confusing control system hampered the experience. I actually still have the game installed on my phone and, yeah, the controls totally ruin it. Well, I've also got an advanced copy of Die by Died on my phone too and am happy to say that controls are absolutely no problem this time around. Die by Died uses standard left/right arrows for movement, with a swipe down to drop down through floors and a swipe to the side to switch weapons. Then there's a button for jumping and double-jumping, a button f...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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