Dino-Riding Online Third-Person Shooter ‘Dino Squad’ is Looking for Beta Testers on iOS and Android - Videogames Blogs

Dino-Riding Online Third-Person Shooter ‘Dino Squad’ is Looking for Beta Testers on iOS and Android

When I was a kid I absolutely loved a cartoon called Dino-Riders. It was about a bunch of bad guys who brainwashed a bunch of dinosaurs, outfitted them with all sorts of armor and weaponry, and used those dinos for their nefarious purposes. It’s also about a bunch of good guys who did basically the same thing, but by virtuous befriending of the dinosaurs instead of brainwashing, and used their heavily armed dinos to fend off the bad guys. I don’t remember any storyline details other than that, but all that mattered was that everyone was ridin’ dinos, and the accompanying Dino-Riders toys were out of this world awesome. I had SO many of them, including perhaps the best T-Rex toy ever made. Of course someday you grow up and learn that the cartoon you loved so much only existed as a way to sell a bunch of expensive dinosaur toys to children just like me, and that their ploy worked. I was just a mark. Still, I have so many fond memories of playing with my Dino-Riders collection, which my dear sweet grandmother gave away to charity along with all my other toys when I was in high school (I’m not bitter I swear) and I’ve frequently wondered why there aren’t more “riding dinosaurs equipped with weaponry" media or toys or especially video games. Well, Moscow-based developer Pixonic were also fans of Dino-Riders back in the day, and it inspired them to make a third-person shooter based on that very idea. It’s called Dino Squad, an...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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