?Dragalia Lost? A Splash of Adventure Event Guide - Videogames Blogs

?Dragalia Lost? A Splash of Adventure Event Guide

Straight after the summer Gala Dragalia banner comes a fresh new Raid event ? A Splash of Adventure. We?ve covered the basics of this event in the reveal post over here, but now that it?s in full swing, it?s time to etch out strategies and show you how to make the most of it.
Unlike the Flames of Reflection event just before it, A Splash of Adventure is a Raid event, meaning one massive 16-player boss battle rather than a grind of solo gauntlet-style brawls. That means there?s no new facility to work on ? but there is a new character (or skin) to befriend before the event ends.
Dragalia Lost A Splash of Adventure Dates
A Splash of Adventure kicked off on July 31 and runs for around two weeks ? until August 13. Some of the content is locked between these dates, so don?t worry if you?re wondering why you can?t tap into some of the locked adventures straight away. As usual, expect reward exchanges to stick around for a week after the event ends, and the conclusion to the story playing out as soon as the fighting stops on August 13.
Dragalia Lost A Splash of Adventure Summon Banner

Welcoming the summer sun, the A Splash of Adventure event brings with it a matching summon banner. And it?s the arrival of the long-awaited swimsuit summons. That?s right, a bunch of Dragalia Lost?s classic characters have put on their swimsuits ready for their beach adventure. Many of their elements have swapped over to Water for this, but they?re still ready a rearing to pack a punch in combat. Ot...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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