'Dragon Ball Legends' Preview - A Super Concept With A Few Bad Choices

Announced at GDC earlier this year, Dragon Ball Legends ? the next in a short line of mobile Dragon Ball titles ? has soft-launched across Europe on Android devices. Finally hitting the shorts of my native England, I?ve spent a good portion of the day getting to know a game I only knew by name as other, more fortunate, writers and journalists tapped their favourite characters a few months back without yours truly.
Dragon Ball Legends, as you might expect with the current trend of mobile games, is a bit of a tap-heavy card-game/brawler hybrid. Like a sophisticated round of rock-paper-scissors. Launching you into yet another tall tale of the Dragon Ball universe with a handful of new characters, the biggest early disappointment isn?t a marginally annoying tutorial (which it totally has), but a baffling omission of a female main protagonist. Shallot, a Saiyan new to this game and with a case of amnesia, finds himself caught up in King Kai?s tournament made up of fighters from across time.
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The whole thing seems to take place during the Dragon Ball Super period, complete with Whis and Beerus, so anyone currently waiting on the dubbed anime release will, once again, risk entering spoiler territory by picking this one up. We can try to use lore to justify a non-customizable protagonist, but it's paper thin reasoning at best.
Although the long-winded tutorial introduces a dizzying amount of features and menus ? of which aren?t exp...
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