Events Abound in Marvel Games as Marvel’s ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’ Debuts This Week - Videogames Blogs

Events Abound in Marvel Games as Marvel’s ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’ Debuts This Week

The latest Marvel movie, Ant-Man and the Wasp, releases in the United States and other countries this week. The movie is reviewing well, as most Marvel flicks tend to, and the approximate seven million Marvel iOS apps all have something going on to try to capitalize on its success. So hey, why not take a look at the events from some of the more popular Marvel games and see what they’re going to bring to the tiny, ant-sized table"

MARVEL Avengers Academy, Free

Avengers Academy is mostly about collecting new characters and costumes, and the Ant-Man and the Wasp event will be bringing a bit of both when it hits in the next day or two. Both Scott Lang and Hank Pym have been on the campus for a while now, and Janet Van Dyne is basically the star of the game. Nevertheless, players can look forward to recruiting Hope Van Dyne, Goliath, Ghost, and probably a few returning characters. Costumes are unknown so far but we’ll probably see the Giant-Man suit from the Civil War event back along with some suits from the new film.
MARVEL Contest of Champions, Free

Contest of Champions usually likes to hang on to a few secrets to keep the event spicy, but we know at least a few things already about its Ant-Man event. For example, Hope Van Dyne will be joining the playable roster in her Wasp suit from the film, and she looks to be packing quite a punch. Head into the new Micro Realms and take on the Ghost and others in the Return to ...
Source: Touch Arcade

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