'Evoland 2' Review: Let's do the Timewarp Again - Videogames Blogs

'Evoland 2' Review: Let's do the Timewarp Again

Shiro Games isn't the type of game company to release tons of games that are broad reaching and cover many genres. This is kind of weird because in order to be proficient at making a game like Evoland 2[$6.99], they have the chops to make a LOT of games. Unlike the original Evoland, the sequel fully explores several genres and manages a voice and a character all it's own. While the first Evoland really never fully pushed past the big names that it pays homage to, Evoland 2 will draw you in and make you forget at times that it is in many ways an almanac of gaming nostalgia. Evoland 2 just recently released on iOS as a port from the PC version, and it is a really great way to play this enchanting game.

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The underlying plot of Evoland 2 is that you as the protagonist have been flung through time and must find your way back and of course go on many adventures, defeat foes and make friends along the way. The lionshare of the gameplay is still in the top-down view ala Secret of Mana or Legend of Zelda. Dungeons, Bosses, Puzzles and a slew of unique challenges all lay in wait to thwart your attempts to save the past present and future. What sets the Evoland franchise apart is the fact that you won't be playing just one genre of game or graphics engine. Your view and interface with the game will be changing from locale to locale, and while you aren't necessarily getting thrust into a new situation each moment like a Wario Ware type...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

State of Play | April 29, 2021 [JAPANESE]
