Find Love Amongst a Million Pigeons in a To-Scale Map of London in the Extremely Weird ‘Pigeon: A Love Story’ Launching March 1st
I don’t know what it is about weird games and pigeons, but it’s kind of a thing. Whether it’s pigeons that race against each other in airplanes a la the Pigeon Strike games, pigeons that are all vying for the heart of a human girl a la Hatorful Boyfriend, or “Grand Theft Auto but with pigeons" as in the upcoming Pigeon Simulator on PC? it seems there’s a weird pigeon game for all sorts of gaming tastes out there. Now London-based developer Wristwork is throwing their hat in the weird pigeon game ring with their upcoming title Pigeon: A Love Story, and it’s in some ways a blend of the games I’ve just mentioned.
You play as a pigeon searching for your ideal mate in the skies over London, but there’s a couple of major problems. First, London is HUGE. And second, there’s more than one million pigeons out there. Pigeon: A Love Story is sort of an experimental thing, and Wristwork says it’s somewhere in between a meditative experience and a game, and describes it as “hardcore casual." That’s because those two major problems I mentioned above are taken literally in the game itself. It uses Google Maps to derive an exact scale version of London to fly through, and there really are more than one million NPC pigeons in the game. Trying to find your ideal mate in that pool of a million will be like trying to find a needle in a haystack as you blindly fly around calling out and hoping to hear a positive...
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