Head Back to Your Garden for the latest 'Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp' Event - Videogames Blogs

Head Back to Your Garden for the latest 'Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp' Event

While Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp [Free] hasn't really caught on the way Nintendo probably was hoping for, it doesn't seem to be lacking in active players for the moment. The developers seem to be counting on wall-to-wall events to keep the players engaged, but you can tell that they're trying to get the hang of what those events should be and how they should play out. The winter event that just ended was easy to finish in a day or two, while even regular players had trouble completing the event prior to that, Rover's Garden Safari. Well, prepare your gardening tools, because the latest event has players heading back to the planting grind.

Titled Lottie's Gothic Rose Festival, this one plays out more or less just like the last gardening event. Help out villagers to earn special flower seeds, plant those seeds in your garden to grow special flowers, then use your net to catch the creatures the flowers attract. In this case, it's bats. Yikes. After hitting certain milestones for each type of bat, Lottie will reward you with special clothes, furniture, and other goodies. You can also share the bats you've collected with other players to help them out and get some seeds and other rewards in exchange. The harvested flowers can also be traded for useful materials. In the notes for this event, Nintendo states that they have heard the feedback from the Rover gardening event, so you can probably expect this one to be a bit less ridiculous in terms of difficulty. From the little I...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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