'Hearthstone' Kobolds & Catacombs Coming December 7th - Get Ready to Take Those Candles - Videogames Blogs

'Hearthstone' Kobolds & Catacombs Coming December 7th - Get Ready to Take Those Candles

It's almost here, everyone. Kobolds & Catacombs, one of Hearthstone's [Free] biggest expansions, is releasing Thursday, December 7th, and it's going to be a great one for the single player mode if nothing else. This new update will bring a ton of new cards to the game (some of which are venturing on the crazy), but, more importantly for many players, it will add the single-player mode Dungeon Run to the game, which will give plenty to do to players who don?t care about competing with others. We've been talking about the expansion for some time now, and you can check yesterday's Touchstone Tavern roundup for plenty of stories on card reveals.
As is always with the case when new expansions are announced, Blizzard is running the $49.99 pre-order deal that gives you 50 packs and a card back, a pretty good deal if you're planning on spending money on the expansion. And logging in after release will get you three packs and a random Legendary Weapon for free. There will also be three sequential one-time Dungeon Run quests, each of which gives you a card pack. Are you excited about the new expansion" I see many trolling opportunities this time around, and that's always entertaining. December 7th it is, then.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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