Highly Regarded Adventure Series Concludes When 'The Journey Down: Chapter Three' Releases on September 21st - Videogames Blogs

Highly Regarded Adventure Series Concludes When 'The Journey Down: Chapter Three' Releases on September 21st

It's been quite a "journey" for the point-and-click adventure series The Journey Down. Originally launched as a low-res free web game called The Journey Down: Over the Edge in 2010, the game was received positively enough for developer SkyGoblin to remake that game in 3D and with full voice acting and release it in late 2012 as The Journey Down: Chapter One [$4.99]. That remade version was also positively received by players and SkyGoblin quickly got to work on The Journey Down: Chapter Two [$6.99], which wouldn't arrive for almost a full two years after the first chapter. It was worth the wait though, as evidenced by our 5 star review, and once finished it was time for yet another painful wait for Chapter Three.
SkyGoblin actually took to Kickstarter in October of 2015 to help drum up some funds to create Chapter Three. The campaign was successful and The Journey Down: Chapter Three was given a tentative release window of September 2016. Well, obviously THAT didn't happen, but despite that delay and the fact that it's been about three full years since the release of Chapter Two, SkyGoblin has officially pinned a launch date onto Chapter Three and it'll be coming to us on September 21st. A proper release trailer is in the works but for now check out this preview trailer featuring footage from various work-in-progress builds of Chapter Three.
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As was always planned, The Journey Down is a three episode saga, so whil...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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