Interactive Visual Novel ‘If Found…’ From Dreamfeel and Annapurna Interactive Is Out Now on iOS - Videogames Blogs

Interactive Visual Novel ‘If Found…’ From Dreamfeel and Annapurna Interactive Is Out Now on iOS

If Found… ($4.99) from Annapurna Interactive and dreamfeel was revealed last year for iOS and PC. If Found… is an interactive visual novel that has been in the works at dreamfeel for a while now with a release date finally revealed recently. Dreamfeel and Llaura Ash McGee come together for an interactive experience full of connection, isolation, exploration, and more with gorgeous visuals. As spotted by @Killercow On Twitter, If Found… has just gone live on the App Store for iOS as a premium release. Watch the trailer for it below:

You play as Kasio in If Found… who is destorying her diary. Your aim is to explore locations ranging from a punk show to your own house and more. I love the art in the screenshots on the App Store and the trailer. If Found… will hit PC in a few hours via Steam. It is now available on the App Store for iOS for $4.99. Check out the official website for dreamfeel here. The Steam page for it is here if you’d like to wishlist it there. Annapurna Interactive is yet to let me down with a game they are involved with so i can’t wait to play this later today. What is your favourite Annapurna Interactive release on iOS"
Source: Touch Arcade

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