iOS Review Site Slide to Play Shuts Down

This is a really strange story to write, as my personal involvement in the world of iOS editorial has a lot to do with Slide to Play. When the iPhone launched I was partners in a medical tech startup, which was pretty cool for how young I was at the time, but it’s hard to think of a less fun industry to work in than the dismally profit-centric world of American healthcare. I’m the kind of person who likes to keep busy, and always had various side projects cooking. When 3rd party iPhone apps started to become a thing, I decided I either wanted to take a crack at iPhone development, or just writing about iPhone stuff instead. I already had a day job that was heavily into software development, and always like writing about random stuff, so the latter won out. I wrote a bunch of reviews on forums, and eventually got encouraged by other people on those forums to try submitting my writing to either TouchArcade or Slide to Play since what I was publishing was better than what both site was posting at the time. (Which isn’t really a slam on either TouchArcade or Slide to Play, if you look at early stories, there just wan’t a lot to get super in-depth over.) I couldn’t really decide between the two, as if you remember back in the early days in 2008 to 2009, both sites were pretty neck in neck with their content output and overall importance. So, I just reached out to both. TouchArcade responded first, and, here we are, a decade later. It’s pretty ...
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