'Kick Ass Commandos' Review- A Gloriously Gory Homage to Arcade Shooters of the Past - Videogames Blogs

'Kick Ass Commandos' Review- A Gloriously Gory Homage to Arcade Shooters of the Past

The late 80's and early 90's were times when the more gore and shock-value video games had, the better. One of my favorite games of this time was Total Carnage. My cousin and I would play the crap out of its violent cooperative mode. Total Carnage's gory, action-packed gameplay made us feel like the edgiest kids of all time. I'm a sucker for anything that provides nostalgia (as I have mentioned time and time again) and Kick Ass Commandos [$2.99] gave me a much-desired dose of Total Carnage-like gameplay. It was originally released on Steam back in November of 2016, and now the game has "Schwarzenegger'd" and "Stallone'd" its way onto the App Store.

Let me cut straight to the chase: Kick Ass Commandos kicks ass. Who would have thought" Kick Ass Commandos is an "in your face" twin-stick shooter where you play as various commandos that are more trigger-happy than any action hero you can think of. The game also sports some hilariously crude and cleverly written humor that made me chuckle on more than one occasion. There are a total of 6 different "mission packs" (worlds) with multiple levels to complete in each pack. There are also a total of 10 different commandos for you to unlock and play as while upgrading their stats. You will also encounter power-ups (such as health, rocket launchers, and grenades) and rescue other commandos that will assist you in dishing out a tremendous amount of lead. It's complete and utter ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

Project Judge - Gameplay Trailer | PS4
