Kobolds & Catacombs Card Reveals: Windshear Stormcaller, Kobold Hermit, and Primal Talismans
This is my favorite part of the new Hearthstone [Free] card set release cycle: Card reveals! If you've been paying attention to the Hearthstone-iverse, Blizzard has been keeping us entertained with a constant drip of new cards from the upcoming Kobolds & Catacombs card set. Today, we teamed up with Value Town to reveal not one, but three new cards. If this is the first time you've heard of Value Town and you're even remotely interested in Hearthstone, you need to fix that problem. It's a podcast featuring ChanManV, Alliestrasza, and J4CKIECHAN. They get together each week to provide a fantastic rundown of everything you need to know in the world of Hearthstone, sort of similar to our weekly Hearthstone roundups. Value Town is also supported by Patreon, so be sure to give that a look if you're into supporting independent content creators who devote their lives to covering the games you love. Oh, and just like us, their podcast is available as a video podcast as well, so if you're more into watching than you are listening, be sure to give that a look. (Does it make sense that we're doing this announcement together yet") Here's our #collab (I think you hash tag that, right"):
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My favorite thing about all the cards that Blizzard has been revealing so far is how it seems like all of them are primed to just make ridiculous YouTube videos, and our set of cards is no different. First up, take a look at Kobold Hermit:
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