'Legends of Callasia' Gets 'The Stoneborne' Expansion - Videogames Blogs

'Legends of Callasia' Gets 'The Stoneborne' Expansion

Turn-based strategy game Legends of Callasia [Free (HD)], which sees itself as influenced by games like Civilization, Risk, and Heroes of Might and Magic, has been pretty well received in our forums. So, I'm sure there are quite a few happy customers today because Legends of Callasia has launched its first expansion, The Stoneborne. The new expansion adds a new playable faction, the Dwarves, and includes a new 10-level long campaign, 11 playable Stoneborne heroes, 20 new maps, underground seasons, over 20 new cards, and much more. There's even a whole new enemy faction, the Cavespawn.
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The new expansion costs $7.99, which might sound steep, but I think it won't bother the game's players much since the game itself costs $14.99 to unlock. If you're interested in checking out Legends of Callasia, I think you'll mostly enjoy the cross-platform multiplayer side of it; we don't have many strategy games like that on the App Store.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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