Love Letter to JRPGs ‘Azure Saga: Pathfinder’ Heading to iOS this Week Following Releases on PC and Switch - Videogames Blogs

Love Letter to JRPGs ‘Azure Saga: Pathfinder’ Heading to iOS this Week Following Releases on PC and Switch

Back in the spring of 2018, developer MassHive Media released Azure Saga: Pathfinder on Steam, a new JRPG that drew inspiration from the classics of the genre that the team grew up playing in the ’90s and early 2000s like the Star Ocean and Breath of Fire series. Azure Saga was incredibly well-received on PC, and about a year following its release on Steam the team launched the game on the Nintendo Switch, where it was met with a similar warm reception to its PC counterpart. Now about a year and a half removed from that Switch launch, Azure Saga is making its was to yet another new platform, and yep, you guessed it, that new platform is iOS. I mean, you ARE reading an iOS gaming website, right" That was bound to be the direction we were heading with this. Now for your viewing pleasure is a more general overview trailer for Azure Saga followed by a more gameplay-focused one.
If you wanted to know what the foremost expert on all things RPG thought about Azure Saga: Pathfinder, our own Shaun “Shawn" Musgrave reviewed the Nintendo Switch version when it launched last year confirmed that it is “generally better" than your average KEMCO RPG. High praise! On a serious note, Azure Saga really is a wondeful throwback JRPG whose only crime on Nintendo Switch was being surrounded by so many truly excellent alternatives in the genre. On iOS I think there are a fair bit of people who will really enjoy having a game of this caliber in their ...
Source: Touch Arcade

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