'Meteorfall: Journey' Review - Cards Against Calamity - Videogames Blogs

'Meteorfall: Journey' Review - Cards Against Calamity

Once upon a time, most of the card games you'd find in the App Store were of the CCG variety, and with some notable exceptions, not very inspiring ones at that. More recently, games like Reign and its sequel have demonstrated pretty clearly that there are things you can do with cards other than collect them. Enter Meteorfall: Journey [$2.99], a roguelike fantasy RPG that just happens to be built on cards, and one where your skill at deckbuilding on the fly is one of the keys to success.
There is a story involved in Meteorfall, though it's not the primary focus. As the title suggests, doom is coming to the land in the form of a big rock from the sky, one apparently summoned by an evil Lich. To stave off apocalypse, it's your job to take one of four different adventurers and journey through several regions, defeating enemies -- including bosses at the end of each land -- and increasing your strength to the point where you can defeat the Lich.
The only tool at your disposal is a deck of cards, but you don't have to weaponize it a la Gambit. Instead, the cards represent everything you'd expect a fantasy warrior, wizard, thief or cleric to have, including attacks, weapons, armor, spells and more. Your character only has to worry about two stats: health and stamina. That's about as simple as it gets.
No more is needed because the gameplay in Meteorfall revolves around very simple but elegant mechanics. In each region, you encounter a number of monsters that the game serves up t...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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