Microsoft Also Teases Game Streaming Service for Smartphones - Videogames Blogs

Microsoft Also Teases Game Streaming Service for Smartphones

One thing that got a tiny mention during the Microsoft press conference at E3 was barely more than a sentence about an upcoming Microsoft cloud streaming service that is going to work on multiple devices including smartphones. It seems in line with what EA announced earlier this weekend with their own streaming service.

If I had to guess (and this is just wild speculation) this new cloud streaming service will either be an extension of Game Pass with a catalog that’s either identical or very similar. Microsoft seems to really want to get people on their Game Pass subscription, and abstracting the whole thing to the point that you don’t even need to own Microsoft hardware to subscribe seems… Very Microsoft-y. We’ll see! Hopefully we hear some more details on this next week during E3 proper. No mentions of platforms, of course, but I’d assume Android would be on lock with iOS waiting in the wings for Apple to allow services like this.

Source: Touch Arcade

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