Mobile MOBA 'Planet of Heroes' Soft Launches in Canada, Germany, and Singapore - Videogames Blogs

Mobile MOBA 'Planet of Heroes' Soft Launches in Canada, Germany, and Singapore

Back in July of last year, announced that they'd formed a new internal studio called Fast Forward who would be developing a built-for-mobile MOBA called Planet of Heroes, and the following month they released the first gameplay trailer for the game and kicked off a closed beta test. Well, it's been about six months since then and this week Fast Forward has soft-launched Planet of Heroes in the iOS App Stores of Canada, Germany, and Singapore. They've also put together a new trailer showing a lot of what you can expect in Planet of Heroes.

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I absolutely love the art style and character designs in Planet of Heroes, and along with the great animations it almost looks like an interactive cartoon. Average match time is around 7 minutes according to Fast Forward, which might still be a little long for mobile but is much shorter than a desktop MOBA. Also, along with PvP, there will also be PvE and a full campaign for gamers to play through which will help you earn rewards that you can use to upgrade the game's robust cast of characters. If you have an App Store account in the countries listed above, you can grab Planet of Heroes with the link below, and if you don't you can create an account quite easily using our guide. No word yet on a worldwide release date but in the meantime you can discuss this game in our forums. International iTunes Link: Planet of Heroes, Free (Universal)

Source: Touch Arcade

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