Musgravian Musings - 'Card Thief' and 'Death Road to Canada' - Videogames Blogs

Musgravian Musings - 'Card Thief' and 'Death Road to Canada'

Hello, gentle readers, and welcome to the first (only" WE'LL SEE) Musgravian Musings. I figured if Andy Fretz gets his own Zone, Tasos gets his own Principle, and Carter can Crater all day long, I could do a sort of editorial column of my own. But rather than share strong opinions on the issues, what I'd like to do is to use this space to do some short non-review reflections on recent game releases. In general, these will be games that have caught my interest in some way or another. They'll also tend to be games that I didn't review in the first place. I'm going to kick things off by taking a look at two of the biggest recent releases, Card Thief [$1.99] from TinyTouchTales and Death Road to Canada [$7.99] from Rocketcat Games.

Card Thief Card Thief is probably my favorite game of the year so far on iOS. I think it's rather brilliant, albeit in a different way from its spiritual predecessor Card Crawl [$2.99]. If you'll excuse the pun, that game laid most of its cards on the table right away. The opponent's deck never changes in terms of what it includes, apart from a few special ability cards. Yet simply by changing the order in which they could appear, Card Crawl was able to create a slightly different challenge each time you played. The game also included plenty of unlockables that would slowly see new elements sprinkled into the deck to help you out. Card Thief is a little more mysterious, and certainly more complicated. I can see why some people aren't taking to ...
Source: Touch Arcade

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