Nerfs, Dinosaur Expansion, Pirate Warrior Deck and More 'Hearthstone' Weekly News in 'Touchstone' #83 - Videogames Blogs

Nerfs, Dinosaur Expansion, Pirate Warrior Deck and More 'Hearthstone' Weekly News in 'Touchstone' #83

Hello and welcome to another Hearthstone [Free] news and videos roundup. I hope you've had a good week and you didn't have to face too many Shaman decks (although the odds of that are not in your favor). This past week was a very interesting one as we got the first clear statement of nerfs coming to the game soon as well as possibly the name and theme of the next expansion. Are you ready for some dinosaurs" We also got stories about a great nation-based tournament coming as well as some ways to counter Pirate Warrior. And, as always, we got the best videos of the week. So come in and enjoy the roundup.

Balance Changes Coming This Month
In yet another lengthy post, Ben Brode promised that balance changes are coming to the game and soon. He first talked about how the team evaluates the state of the game regarding class power level and pointed out the importance of letting good players recognize shifts in the meta and take advantage of them before the meta changes. And that's one of the biggest reasons the team doesn't nerf cards frequently. They come in and make adjustments when the best decks aren't fun to play or lose to and when there are no good counters to dominant decks. The team is working on the ability to stream balance adjustments straight to our devices instead of going through the patch process, but they don't have that ability yet. But when the next patch rolls around towards the end of February, we'll be seeing some nerfs. More details closer...
Source: Touch Arcade

Bomb Chicken Launch Trailer - Nintendo Switch
