New ‘Hearthstone’ Expansion “Forged in the Barrens” is Live Now Bringing 135 New Cards and More - Videogames Blogs

New ‘Hearthstone’ Expansion “Forged in the Barrens” is Live Now Bringing 135 New Cards and More

Hearthstone’s Year of the Gryphon continues with the release of the game’s newest expansion Forged in the Barrens today. This expansion was originally unveiled during BlizzConline, the online iteration of Blizzard’s annual event, just over a month ago and features 135 new cards, a new Frenzy keyword, new “Spell Schools" which allow you to “tag" a spell with one of seven different schools, 10 Legendary Mercenary minions, and some pretty major set rotations to make way for the new Core Set that was unveiled the week after BlizzConline ended. This all comes on the heels of the new Classic Format that launched in the game last week. Here’s an overview video of the new Forged in the Barrens expansion.
This new expansion is just the latest in a new rapid-fire approach to providing new content for Hearthstone as well as shaking up the overall game in some major ways. You can find tons more detail about the new Forged in the Barrens expansion over on the Hearthstone blog, but also there you’ll find down at the bottom a roadmap for the Year of the Gryphon that is broken down into three phases that will include more new modes, new cards, new content in Duels and Battlegrounds, new solo events, new seasonal events, new Tavern Brawls, and just so, so much more. Right now seems like a good time to hop into Hearthstone if you haven’t ever done so before with the arrival of the Classic Format, and an even better time for exi...
Source: Touch Arcade

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