New “Leagues” Feature Brings High-Score Competition to GameClub’s Library - Videogames Blogs

New “Leagues” Feature Brings High-Score Competition to GameClub’s Library

Since the beginning of time video games have had a competitive component. The early arcade hits all featured scoring mechanics and leaderboards, and there was a certain point of pride in putting your initials down as one of the highest scoring players on a certain machine. Games have of course expanded into all sorts of territories but that competition and high-scoring factor has remained strong. This was true when the iPhone released and mobile gaming started to grow too. In the very early days the OpenFeint service brought an Xbox Live-like experience to mobile games that featured leaderboards, achievements, challenges, forums, and more. Some of my favorite memories of the early days of mobile gaming are getting hyper competitive with players on our forums in a variety of games, or just watching from the sidelines as score battles took place between other expert players. There was one problem though. The number of people playing mobile games is significantly larger than most other pools of players on other platforms. You might achieve a score you’re pretty darn proud of only to find out that you’re in the 8 millions or so on the leaderboard. That’s not very fun, and even if you do outperform your best score and move up even hundreds of thousands of spots, is being in the 7 millions all that more meaningful than being in the 8 millions" No. Well GameClub is hoping to solve this problem while revitalizing the competitive aspects of some of the classic...
Source: Touch Arcade

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