New Games on Our Forums: 'Charming Keep', 'Downgeon Quest', 'Felis: Save All The Cats', 'Tankout' and More - Videogames Blogs

New Games on Our Forums: 'Charming Keep', 'Downgeon Quest', 'Felis: Save All The Cats', 'Tankout' and More

A few years ago Gizmodo decided that February 1st is Change Your Password Day, which of all the dumb holidays we highlight on Wednesdays is probably the best one so far. If you're not using a password manager yet, I highly recommend 1Password [Free], but I've got a lot of friends who swear by KeePass. Whatever you use, just use something, and start using unique and complicated passwords for every site you visit- including this one. Once you've got that out of the way, there's a ton of great games that have hit our forums this week!

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Here's the full listing of games that have been posted to our forums so far:

Brave Caravan (by BeeworksGames)
Charming Keep - Collectable Tower Tapper (by Mighty Games)
Clickie Zoo (by Anthony Tirone) Corpse Party: Blood Drive (by 5pb Inc)
Downgeon Quest (by Cyberlodge Interactive Ltd.)
Edo Superstar (by cleaversoft)
Felis: Save all the cats! (by Jose Diaz)
Final Clash - 3D FANTASY MMORPG (by Gaosi)
Flick The Bean (by JabberWorx)
Idle Power (by GamesButler)
Jump There !! (by Jan Hagelskamp)
Kingdom Defenders: Age of Guardians (by MobiTek)
LittleSaw Nightmare (by Birk Aas) [+HD Version]
Missileman (by Game or Die)
Oil Inc (by Rapid Turtle Games)
Papery Planes (by Akos Makovics)
Piczle Lines DX (by Score Studios)
Rolling Mister (by BraboLabs Entertainment), The
Snailboy: Rise of Hermitron (by Thoopid)
Stay Stable (by nWeave)
Struckd - Game Creator (by Struckd)
TANKOUT (by Hassey Enterprises, Inc....
Source: Touch Arcade

TERA - Fists of Velika | PS4
