New 'Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery' Trailer Released, Reveals More Wizarding Tricks - Videogames Blogs

New 'Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery' Trailer Released, Reveals More Wizarding Tricks

Everywhere you look these days, there's that wizard with the scar, Harry Potter, and it doesn't look like that's changing any time soon. As you probably already know if you've been reading our stories, we are getting a brand new Harry Potter game called Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, and today we got to see a new trailer that shows a lot more gameplay than previous teasers have. Whether you'll like what you'll see really depends on what kind of a game you're looking for. This one is free-to-play, and that can go a few different ways if previous experience with games like this one is anything to go by. Harry Potter is Harry Potter, though, and there's definitely a huge audience waiting to find out more about Hogwarts Mystery?unless, of course, you're one of those who have gotten their hands on the soft launched Android version.
A few words about Hogwarts Mystery, first. Even though the game has Harry Potter in the title, you won't actually play as the titular (and grand example of how PTSD looks like) character; instead, you'll get to create your own witch or wizard, the first mobile game that lets you do so (as the developers proudly proclaim). To quote a famous TV persona, you get a Hogwarts letter, and you get a Hogwarts letter, and you get a Hogwarts letter. You can see that aspect of the game right at the start of the trailer, which shows how Hogwarts Mystery keeps all that is known and loved about the world of Harry Potter?the school buildings, the professors, etc?bu...
Source: Touch Arcade

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