Nintendo Reveals the Mobile Console Hybrid, the Nintendo Switch - Videogames Blogs

Nintendo Reveals the Mobile Console Hybrid, the Nintendo Switch

After loads of anticipation overnight, Nintendo revealed a video showing off what the rumored Nintendo NX actually is, as well as what they're calling it. The Nintendo Switch, as its dubbed, can be played either as a mobile device with detachable controllers or as a home console by dropping it in a dock. Check it out:

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It'll be interesting to see how the Nintendo NX does. At first glance, it might seem a little big for hauling around, but remember, we've gotten very used to bringing giant (in my case, iPad Pro-sized) tablets nearly everywhere we go. It's possible Nintendo hit the sweet spot here between making console gamers who want to play on a TV happy, as well as people looking for a fancier Nintendo mobile experience beyond what the 3DS offers. Of course no pricing or anything else has been announced beyond a release date of March 2017. What do you guys think" Are you going to get one" Is the decades-old internet meme that Nintendo is doomed finally coming true" Or something else entirely" Let us know in the comments.

Source: Touch Arcade

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