Our Forums are the Best Place to Find Beta Testers for Your Game, and Apple Just Made it Way Easier to Sign People Up to Testflight

A not-very-secret secret that mobile game developers have known for over a decade is that our forum community is a fantastic place to find gamers that are willing to take your in-progress game for a test drive and offer real world feedback in the process. There are certainly many beta testing companies out there who will charge you for this type of thing, but why bother paying for something you can simply get for free. Plus our community is already among some of the most hardcore mobile gamers out there, so they’re often in a position to give really detailed feedback and they know the types of dos and don’ts for touchscreen gaming. Seriously, it’s invaluable to have a pool of players check out your game prior to release so that they can get it whipped into shape before it’s out there in the world and available to the masses. You don’t always get a second chance to correct a botched game launch, so it’s best to take care of as much of those things as possible before you release your baby. Like I said, though, most mobile game developers already know that, and our upcoming games forum is a great place to recruit beta testers for your mobile gaming project. On the Android side of things that’s typically as easy as providing an apk to testers or having them go through the testing sign-up service on the Google Play Store. In both instances, it’s a pretty easy process, and I’ve seen many developers prefer doing their beta tes...
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