Over 15,000 ‘Fortnite’ Kids are Turning to GoFundMe for Free V-Bucks - Videogames Blogs

Over 15,000 ‘Fortnite’ Kids are Turning to GoFundMe for Free V-Bucks

Normally, GoFundMe is used as a replacement for any kind of healthcare system in the US, but some people are finding another use for it: to get Fortnite (Free) V-Bucks. Kids without credit cards are suffering the indignity of having to play with the default skin, and use only the randomized dance emote. Truly, this is the greatest issue facing society right now. However, these kids are resourceful, and have taken to GoFundMe in the name of getting V-Bucks. Look how many people are trying to get V-Bucks for themselves! And some of them actually got paid! Why pay for your own V-Bucks when someone else can buy them for you"

This is a whole new level of desperate for VBucks. Dude came into my Discord server to promote his GoFundMe for $500 of VBucks pic.twitter.com/4IJwBIl8pn — Drift0r (@Drift0r) June 19, 2018

Now, this kid is dreaming big. Some would have just asked for enough for a Battle Pass, which would be enough to earn some sweet skins and emotes and to continually pay for future Battle Passes. But no, this dude wants badass skins and emotes for his whole dang squad. Look, we’re turning the earth into a giant flaming garbage dump for the next generation, go on GoFundMe and give a little bit back to the next generation. They might as well look cool in Fortnite while the world goes to hell.
Of course, what with all those jerks with cancer hogging the spotlight on GoFundMe, prospective Fortnite V-Bucks getters are finding themselves short-changed. Here ar...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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