'Overlive' & 'Blazing Souls: Accelate' - The RPG Reload Podcast #021 - Videogames Blogs

'Overlive' & 'Blazing Souls: Accelate' - The RPG Reload Podcast #021

Hello, gentle listeners! Wowie, have I got some things to apologize for on this one. First of all, we recorded this a little late due to some conflicting schedules, so we opted to lump two games together into one episode. Then, after recording, I realized that my headset mic wasn't working properly and I had been speaking through my laptop mic for the entire thing. It sounds about as good as you would expect. So while I was trying to figure out what to do with all of that, the holidays hit, things got procrastinated, and here we are. This recording is from early December, so it's not as new or fresh as it could be, but the game discussion is pretty good, I feel, so I wanted to get it out there. We all enjoyed Overlive [$2.99] a lot, and none of us had a very good time with Blazing Souls [$4.99], so it's a real roller coaster. The next episode shouldn't be quite so late. We'll be talking about Icewind Dale [$9.99] on that one. After that, we'll be going on a short hiatus before our glorious relaunch as The New Reload Podcast in April. The music for this episode consists of our usual theme song from the excellent Sweet Diss & the Comebacks, and two tunes from Final Fantasy games. On the break, it's Stand Your Ground from the newly-released Final Fantasy 15, while the closing tune is the magnificent Crazy Chocobo from Final Fantasy 13-2. Both are available on iTunes if you want to listen to them in full. We love to receive listener mail, so if you've got anything you want ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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