'PAKO 2' Racing to Your Devices Early 2018, Adds Drive-By Shooting
PAKO [$1.99], the isometric driving game all about avoiding cops and obstacles for the longest time possible, was one of my favorite games back in 2014 partly because of its entertaining levels but also because of its great handling. Today, I was happy to hear that developer Tree Men Games are working hard on bringing PAKO 2 to mobile, and I can't wait to play it. PAKO got new content for years after the original release, so I expect PAKO 2 to do the same. And the title will be premium (as the developers proudly proclaim in our Upcoming Games forum thread for the game), so no free-to-play shenanigans to worry about.
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PAKO 2's main new feature is the ability to shoot back using a twin-stick control scheme. The game will also bring upgradable cars with skill points and also various guns and items you can buy with money you make from beating various levels. And, of course, plenty of new vehicles and new locations for you to explore while running for your life. Expect PAKO 2 to hit early 2018, and if you want to learn more about the game, head over to our forum thread to chat to the developers.
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