PC RTS Classic ‘Company of Heroes’ Coming to iPhone and Android This Year - Videogames Blogs

PC RTS Classic ‘Company of Heroes’ Coming to iPhone and Android This Year

Ever since it was announced, Company of Heroes ($13.99) for iPad from Feral Interactive has been something we have been looking forward to checking out. After an initial delay, Feral Interactive brought the RTS classic to portables for the first time through an iPad version. Read my review of it here. Today, Feral Interactive have announced something many people were hoping for and something most of us already expected. Company of Heroes is coming to iPhone and Android this year. Watch some gameplay from the iPad version below:

On iOS, the iPad version will be updated to be universal so you get the iPhone version for free if you already own it. If you’re interested in checking it out on iPad ahead of its iPhone and Android launch, you can buy Company of Heroes on iPad on the App Store. It is available for $13.99. Since this is a Feral Interactive port, you can be sure it will be updted to support new versions of iOS as well since the company is great at post launch support for mobile games. Check out our forum thread for it here. Have you played Company of Heroes on iPad yet"
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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