'Peko Peko Sushi' Review - All You Can Eat Sushi - Videogames Blogs

'Peko Peko Sushi' Review - All You Can Eat Sushi

Proving that you really can make a fun game out of just about anything if you come at it the right way, the food-serving genre has been quite popular in recent years. At their core, most of these games are really more like fast-paced puzzle games than anything else. Customers come in and demand certain dishes, and you have to sling them as fast as you can. Some games throw in food preparation to make things more complex, but even then, you're just trying to recognize symbols and flick as quickly as possible. Peko Peko Sushi [Free] doesn't ask you to make the sushi, and instead tries to weave more complexity into its food-slinging mechanics. In the end, it feels a lot like a fun arcade game, the sort that might have slipped out in the 1980s as counter-programming to a diet of shoot-em-ups.
You play as the operator of a conveyor sushi restaurant. You've got three belts of sushi that will hold four different types of sushi in various configurations, and two columns where customers will line up. Customers will indicate what kind of sushi they want with a little bubble above their heads, and your job is to drag the appropriate type to them. You'll earn some points, and once the customer's appetite is satisfied they'll move along. If you take too long, they'll storm out. Each day of business lasts for a set amount of time, and your goal is to score as many points as possible on each day of the week. As you play, you'll earn special Golden Dishes that can be exchanged for new ty...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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