Quirky Upcoming RPG ‘The Paladin’s Story’ Looking for Beta Testers on iOS and Android - Videogames Blogs

Quirky Upcoming RPG ‘The Paladin’s Story’ Looking for Beta Testers on iOS and Android

Back in February developer Plunder Games announced a new RPG for mobile called The Paladin’s Story, or perhaps you heard about it while it was briefly known as The Elder’s Quest. Whatever the case, The Paladin’s Story looked to offer a large hex-gridded overworld to explore and plenty of monsters to battle against, with an emphasis on collecting cool weapons and loot and upgrading your character into a well-trained killing machine. There’s also a story tying everything together that doesn’t take itself too seriously and pokes fun at the many RPG tropes being used. Overall it looked like an RPG that would be a nice fit for mobile, and you can see The Paladin’s Story in action in the following trailer.
Following that original announcement in February Plunder Games kicked off a round of beta testing for the iOS and Android versions of The Paladin’s Story. Now after several months of work a second phase of beta testing is under way, and if you’d like to try out the game for yourself you can find a link to the iOS version’s Testflight in the game’s thread in our forums. If you’re on Android, The Paladin’s Story is available in Early Access on the Google Play Store too. The game will be free with ads and an IAP to disable them when it launches, but during this beta period you’ll be able to access all of the premium features for free. So if you enjoy quirky RPGs then be sure to check out the beta ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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