Radish-Based Platformer Sequel ‘Dadish 2’ Coming January 18th, Available for Pre-Order Now - Videogames Blogs

Radish-Based Platformer Sequel ‘Dadish 2’ Coming January 18th, Available for Pre-Order Now

Back in February of this year, which feels like fifty million years ago at this point, developer Tom Young aka CatCup Games launched Dadish (Free) into the App Store. What the heck is a dadish, I hear you ask" It’s a radish who is also a dad, and in this case dear old Dadish has to go about rescuing his missing children, all 40 of them! Dadish provided some solid platforming action, great touchscreen controls, and tons of radish children snark making for a very enjoyable experience. Well get ready to do it all over again as come this January CatCup will be launching the sequel Dadish 2 on both iOS and Android. Here’s a trailer.

This time around, those rascal kids show up at Dadish’s work for an impromptu Bring Your Kids to Work Day and naturally things get out of hand and the kids end up needing rescuing once again. All this really does is provide an excuse to romp through 50 brand new levels and get blasted with 50 new sassy remarks upon rescuing each of your children. CatCup also mentions that “Sometimes you can ride on a giant talking hamburger" and says that Dadish 2 will feature controller support as well as plenty of unlockables and secrets to find. You can pre-order on the iOS App Store or you can pre-register on the Google Play Store for Android, and look for Dadish 2 to launch in a few weeks on January 18th.
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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