'Schemata' Review - Logic is the Only Answer - Videogames Blogs

'Schemata' Review - Logic is the Only Answer

Okay, I know some people out there aren't going to believe me, but sometimes educational things can be fun. Sometimes fun things can be educational. Our parents and teachers weren't totally misguided. Exhibit A: logic puzzles. Are they the greatest puzzles out there" It depends on your tastes, but at the very least I expect most fans of video games to enjoy logic puzzles in some form or another. The interesting thing is that no matter how they are presented, they all come down to a set of very basic rules that can be diagrammed in a way that looks more like homework than entertainment. Throw in an element of time pressure and you've got yourself a blueprint for a fine video game.
Schemata [Free] is not the first game to take logic diagrams of digital circuits and turn them into a toy, but it does a pretty fine job of the idea. Its goal seems to be to teach the player some basic information about logic gates while presenting them with a fun puzzle game experience. You need to activate or deactivate nodes to light up the next node and move forward. There are six different types of gates in play here: AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, and NXOR. They're all represented by their proper symbols, and if you don't know how they work the game does offer a tutorial to explain them. For example, if you've got an AND gate in front of you, you'll need to activate both nodes to light the next one. It's simple enough on its own, especially since the game will show the next node lit once you h...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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