?Scriptum? Is an Escape Room That Takes Place Entirely in Augmented Reality
As we mention basically every time we post about anything to do with augmented reality, it still feels like we’re totally in the infancy of this technology and developers haven’t done a whole lot of stuff that has been that cool. A recent notable exception to this is the AR update to The Sims Freeplay which adds a collaborative augmented reality building mode, but we’re always on the hunt for other neat AR stuff. Well, one thing that falls in that particular bucket that popped up on our radar today is Scriptum (Free), which is an escape room that exists entirely in augmented reality.
Take a look at the trailer:
Escape rooms, for whatever reason, have absolutely exploded in popularity in my area the last few years. It’s like everyone who runs the various haunted houses around Halloween realized that they could do the same basic thing but have it go year round under the guise of an escape room. Well, now you can try one without leaving your house. Scriptum starts by having you scan your floor and select a place that you want the escape room to spawn, then you literally walk inside of it to look for clues to figure out how to get out. AR stuff like this that makes us think, “Huh, that’s actually really cool," are few and far between, which makes Scriptum feel particularly noteworthy. That being said, it is a little on the basic side which I suppose isn’t that surprising for a totally free game with no ads or IAP. You have 1...
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