SEGA Forever is Teasing ‘Phantasy Star 3’ and ‘Phantasy Star 4’ on Twitter - Videogames Blogs

SEGA Forever is Teasing ‘Phantasy Star 3’ and ‘Phantasy Star 4’ on Twitter

SEGA Forever is up to their old tricks again and it seems they’re teasing some upcoming releases on Twitter. First let’s dial way, way back to the summer of 2010 when the App Store was still in its infancy and SEGA had in the previous year or so dabbled with releasing some classic Genesis games like Sonic The Hedgehog and Streets of Rage for iOS. You may recall that those releases were simply the original ROMs wrapped up in a fairly janky emulator, and they didn’t work all that well on the touchscreen. Then they released Phantasy Star 2 and, due to the slower pace and turn-based nature, it actually worked well even in that janky old emulator. Fast forward to June of 2017 when SEGA rolled out their SEGA Forever initiative and Phantasy Star 2 was in that initial lineup of revamped, re-released classics for mobile. Now, according to the SEGA Forever Twitter account we should be seeing the third and fourth entries in the Phantasy Star series soon.
The passageways between the Layan worlds and the Orakian world were sealed.
In time, people forgot there were other worlds besides Landen.#SEGAForever
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) February 18, 2019

— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) February 19, 2019

Now you might remember that last month SEGA Forever went and teased Golden Axe 2 on Twitter, and then teased Golden Axe 3 on Twitter, and then the very next day they updated the existing Gold...
Source: Touch Arcade

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