'Sid Meier's Civilization VI' for iPad Review - Wow, Just Wow - Videogames Blogs

'Sid Meier's Civilization VI' for iPad Review - Wow, Just Wow

Q4 of 2017 has, without a doubt, been absolutely absurd when it comes to high quality premium game ports on iOS. However, just as we were thought we were finished with the App Store game release rush that has become tradition each holiday season, Aspyr comes out of left field with Sid Meier's Civilization VI [Free (HD)] for the iPad. Better yet, the release of the game was just non-chalantly announced on Twitter, like when your parents just casually mention late in the morning on Christmas that there's one more present behind the tree. Civilization VI was released on the Mac and PC a little more than a year ago, which is one of the many things that makes this port so exciting- There's still an actively maintained game with content in the pipeline for the Mac/PC, and the iOS version even boasts additional expansions coming in the future right in the main menu. This isn't just some port they farted out to make a little extra money on an otherwise forgotten title from other platforms. This is the real deal. If you've never played a Civilization (or Civ) game before, they're the quintessential 4X title. In the game you'll explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate to eventually dominate the entire map via different several different victory conditions. These victory conditions are what makes Civ games so irresistible to me, as while you can win through sheer military might and obliterating every other civilization on the map, you can also win by founding a religion and convincin...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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