'Slayaway Camp' is Now Terrorizing the App Store - Videogames Blogs

'Slayaway Camp' is Now Terrorizing the App Store

Good news, with Valentine's Day about to roll around, there's a game with heart just for you. And by heart, I mean hearts getting ripped out. Slayaway Camp [$2.99] has released worldwide on mobile after its PC release. There were some worries that the game wouldn't release due to Apple regulations, but those got cleared up (not calling the victims in the game "teens" in the horror movie tradition is one of the key changes), but I assure you: the game is still full of slasher action. Seriously, this game is incredibly gory, though you can customize some of it through the options. There's even a slider for how many sliders you have available, no joke.
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At its heart, Slayaway Camp is a sliding-puzzle game, and the violence is just part of the theme. The puzzles are pretty novel because the victims have particular behaviors, they won't just stay in one place, and they will react emotionally to events happening around them. Check the game out now for $2.99 with no IAP, and get in the forum thread to discuss this one.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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