'Solforge' Rises From the Dead, at Least For Now - Videogames Blogs

'Solforge' Rises From the Dead, at Least For Now

A month and a bit ago, we wrote that Solforge [Free], the promising but troubled CCG, was going to shut down its servers and go to app heaven, but it looks like the plans have changed and Solforge is sticking around after all, at least for now. The game had some very promising ideas and mechanics, but - as the team admitted - they bought more than they could chew and didn't manage to deliver to players what they had promised. And yet, something unexpected ended up happening, which is good news for those who enjoy the game despite its issues.

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According to a blog post today, the team has decided to move the game to a smaller server so it can continue running, and the transition appears to have been successful. The game is now once more available for download on iTunes, Google Play, and Steam, and the servers looks stable enough to maybe even bring gold purchasing back into the game. This decision was to a large degree because of the community's love for the game. So, although there are no news on whether we're getting a future iteration of the game, it looks like the game is sticking around after all.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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