Square Enix Announces ‘A Certain Magical Index: Imaginary Fest’ for iOS and Android in Japan Set for a 2019 Release - Videogames Blogs

Square Enix Announces ‘A Certain Magical Index: Imaginary Fest’ for iOS and Android in Japan Set for a 2019 Release

It isn’t strange for anime and light novel series in Japan to see mobile games given how basically almost everything in existence has some presence on mobile platforms. The popular light novel series A Certain Magical Index is getting a new mobile game based on the brand in the form of the upcoming A Certain Magical Index: Imaginary Fest. Watch the announcement trailer for it below:

A Certain Magical Index: Imaginary Fest will let players relive scenes from the anime. Gameplay will be simple and there will be 3D animations. Your aim is to build a deck featuring your favourites from the series to take part in various battles. There will be characters from both the anime and the movies featured here alongside the newer characters from the side-story and the light novel.
A Certain Magical Index: Imaginary Fest will be free to play and it will have item based in app purchases. It is confirmed to release this year in Japan on both iOS and Android. If you’re interested in it, check out the official website here. As with all Japanese only releases, there is always a small chance a localisation happens but Square Enix does a ton of free to play games on mobile in Japan that never leave that region. If anything changes, I’ll post about any localisation news.
[Source: Gematsu]

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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