Stars Wars Day Mobile Games Deals: What Games Are Doing for May the 4th - Videogames Blogs

Stars Wars Day Mobile Games Deals: What Games Are Doing for May the 4th

There are many silly reasons to declare something an official day for some reason, but Star Wars has always gotten it just about right by making May the 4th Star Wars Day. If we have to explain it to you, then congrats, you've been out of the pop culture zeitgeist for at least 40 years. May 4 is celebrated in various ways by different parts of the brand (now owned by Disney, of course, who knows how to put a full court press behind things better than anyone), but when it comes to Star Wars mobile games, it's generally just part of a few weeks of deals and freebies, both good things.
With that in mind, let's take a hyperspace spin through what all of the mobile games have going on to commemorate Star Wars Day, beginning with what's been the most popular title for quite some time. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
This one couldn't be easier. All you have to do is log into Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes [Free] on May the 4th and you'll receive Han Solo character shards. You might recall that he's the star of his very own movie that hits theaters later this month, so if you're thinking there might be some kind of connection there, you're probably ready to take on Lando Calrissian in a high stakes game of sabacc.
From May 4-11, you'll also receive a 25 percent bonus on all Crystal Bundles you purchase in-game.
Star Wars: Force Arena
There's a whole bunch going on in Netmarble's PvP-focused game. For starters, just logging into Star Wars: Force Arena [Free] any time between now and May ...
Source: Touch Arcade

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