Steampunk Shooter-Runner Hybrid 'Malevolent Machines' Is Out Now on the App Store - Videogames Blogs

Steampunk Shooter-Runner Hybrid 'Malevolent Machines' Is Out Now on the App Store

Malevolent Machines [$1.99] has been on my radar ever since we first caught a glimpse of the game back in September 2016. From its mysteriously ominous and beautifully alliterative title, to the game's interesting merger of auto-runner and shoot-em-up mechanics under a layer of luscious pixel art graphics, it appeared that Goodnight Games had really gone the extra mile to stand out amidst its many contemporaries on the App Store. While the developers have successfully satiated fans with a number of preview trailers over the past few months, Malevolent Machines has finally launched today on iOS for a modest $1.99, and if the game can live up to its impressive scope, it is surely an essential download for anyone wanting an accomplished attempt at an Altered Beast-meets steampunk-esque mobile game in this suitably malevolent modern era.
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For anyone unfamiliar with the concepts within Malevolent Machines, the game is focused around the trials and tribulations of Dr Leyla Green, as she endeavours to eradicate the countless crooked cyborg creations of her own making that a nameless and nefarious enemy has released onto the world. Thankfully, Leyla has the help of the Juggerbot - the sole creation of hers that was not released into the wild - that is helpfully armed with an incredible arsenal of nuclear lasers, typhoon missiles, and a blaster cannon. Being able to swap between the free-running, platforming precision of Leyla to th...
Source: Touch Arcade

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