'Stickman Skate Park' Sees the Popular Stickman Series Take On Skateboarding - Videogames Blogs

'Stickman Skate Park' Sees the Popular Stickman Series Take On Skateboarding

Djinnworks have been making "stickman" versions of just about every possible sport or hobby you can think of for many years now, and I've always appreciated how they're able to simplify a game's mechanics down to make them extremely approachable while still retaining the essence and fun of each sport they're trying to emulate. Until now Djinnworks hasn't tackled the sport of skateboarding, but that's all about to change with their upcoming Stickman Skate Park. Feast your eyes on the first official trailer.

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According to the developers in our forums, the basic gist of Stickman Skate Park will have you free-riding around various parks and massive ramps, and there will be a head-to-head component where you'll face off against another skater online to see who can score the most points turn-by-turn with a limited amount of time. They note that the game is still in heavy development but that it should be arriving for both iOS and Android "soon," so we'll keep an eye on this one and once a more specific release date for Stickman Skate Park is announced we'll let you know.
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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