'SUP Multiplayer Racing' Cheats and Hacks Guide - How to Win Races Without Spending Money

SUP Multiplayer Racing [Free] has been riding high in the charts since its launch last year. That's hardly surprising given its 'pick up and play' mentality. It's a fun and simple futuristic take on the humble racing genre.
However, it's also a little overly keen on in-app purchases and video ads, so who could blame you for wanting to find the best route to an entirely free experience. Here are some tips on how to avoid spending money while still progressing hard and fast in the game.
Learn to drive effectively
Speed is of the essence, as you'd expect, but there's no acceleration button in SUP Multiplayer Racing so what do you do"
First and foremost, you slipstream. if you're behind an opponent, stay behind them and draft. You'll know you've got this right if there's a blue haze engulfing the front of your car. Then, pick your moment wisely and hit the 'change lane' button to (hopefully) go flying past the opposition. Time this just right, and you'll be almost unbeatable. The best drivers are able to switch lanes rapidly, switching in and around other cars, before tucking in behind their next opponent. Treat it as a form of leapfrogging.
Remember - your opponent can do the same as you. Try to never allow them to stay behind you for any length of time, otherwise they'll be benefiting from your speed. Keep your distance.
You want to be constantly flowing through the traffic rather than repeatedly getting stuck behind opponents.
Look out for roadblocks and be ready to m...
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