'Swift Playgrounds' Now Available for iPads on iOS 10 - Videogames Blogs

'Swift Playgrounds' Now Available for iPads on iOS 10

Apple's Swift Playgrounds [Free (HD)] app is now available for iOS 10 iPads. For those looking to get their kids ? or themselves ? into coding, this is a cool way to do so. Guided lessons featuring characters help to teach the user the basics of coding and how to use Apple's Swift programming language. Not only are there more low-level coding lessons that are represented through characters in a 3D world that show you how various coding behaviors work, but you'll also be able to code your own applications. Which includes games, most importantly.
This was one of the cooler things announced at the 2016 WWDC keynote, and there's potential for this to be an important thing that teaches more people coding basics down the road in a fun and accessible way. If you've got an iOS 10 iPad, then give this a shot.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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