SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘Amnesia: Collection’ Review, Mini-Views Featuring ‘Inferno 2’ and More, ‘Civilization VI Expansion Bundle’ News, the Latest Sales, and More - Videogames Blogs

SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘Amnesia: Collection’ Review, Mini-Views Featuring ‘Inferno 2’ and More, ‘Civilization VI Expansion Bundle’ News, the Latest Sales, and More

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for September 25th, 2019. Today we’ve got a full review of the recent Amnesia: Collection, a new Mini-Views feature that includes quick-fire reviews of a few games, a bunch of news stories, and some sales information. Oh, and there’s one new release, but don’t pay much mind to it. Let’s go!
‘Civilization VI Expansion Bundle’ Heading to Switch This November

It’s safe to say that 2K Games was caught a little bit off-guard by how enthusiastic Switch owners were for its release of Civilization VI. As such, it’s been a bit of a wait for any extra content to be added to the game. Luckily, the wait is almost over. On November 22nd, the Civilization VI Expansion Bundle will be available on Switch, coinciding with the game’s release on other consoles. It includes both the Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm expansions for the game, adding tons of new elements that really change up the game quite a bit. ‘Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid’ Gets Second Season of New Content

Well, we all probably saw this coming. The Power Rangers mash-up fighting game Battle for the Grid has delivered all of the planned content for its first season pass, and it looks like it’s doing well enough to go in for another pass. The Season 2 Pass will sell for $14.99 and will include characters Anubis “Doggie" Cruger (from Power Rangers S.P.D.), Eric Myer...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

Task Force Kampas - Launch Trailer | PS4
