SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘Assault Android Cactus+’ Coming to Switch, ‘Aragami’, ‘Devil Engine’, and Today’s Other New Releases, New Sales, and More

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for February 21st, 2019. As usual for a Thursday, today’s article is mostly covering the new releases that hit the shop today. I’ve got a bit of news and whatever sales have come around at the time of writing, but it’s all about checking out the tons of new games to see if any treasure can be found. Let’s hunt!
We’ll Know the ‘Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy’ Western Release Date Next Week
The Switch version of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy came out in Japan this week, and as usual for that series, the Japanese release has full English support if you’re impatient. That said, you probably won’t need to jump the gun this time around, as Capcom is apparently going to give details about the Western release date next week. Something tells me that release date isn’t going to be too far in the future, but I suppose we’ll see. ‘VOEZ’ Gets Updated to Version 1.6, Adding 16 New Songs
Just like with the mobile versions of its games, Rayark keeps on offering up tons of post-release content for its Switch games. VOEZ is the latest beneficiary, with its latest update adding a whopping 16 new songs at no extra cost. That brings the grand total to 201 songs, all of which are available to anyone who buys the game. An amazing deal for a very good game, and I somehow doubt that Rayark is finished with it.
‘Assault Android Cac...
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