SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘Code Shifter’ Review, Mini-Views Featuring ‘The Dark Crystal’ and Others, ‘Dead Cells: The Bad Seed’ DLC Arrives, and Much More
Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for February 11th, 2020. In today’s gigantic article, we’ve got a full review of Arc System Works’s Code Shifter, Mini-Views of a whopping five games, summaries of today’s new releases including the Dead Cells: The Bad Seed DLC, and the usual list of sales you all know and love. Not much news, so let’s get right to the meat!
Code Shifter ($14.99)
You’ve got to hand it to Arc System Works. Since acquiring the Kunio-Kun brand along with many of the other Technos Japan properties, the publisher sure hasn’t let them lay fallow. Indeed, it’s almost refreshing how little concern there seems to be with preserving any singular image of what those properties can be. In the last six months alone, we’ve seen an extremely Wayforward take on River City Ransom with River City Girls, a wild yet in many ways orthodox fighter in the form of River City Melee Mach!!, and a totally different spin on the classic beat-em-up structure with Stay Cool, Kobayashi-San!: A River City Story. Here’s the latest game to pull in those characters: Code Shifter. Of course, this encompasses more than just the former Technos Japan brands. It acts as a big crossover between many of the brands of Arc System Works, including BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, River City, Double Dragon, and many more. It takes 30 playable characters and 70 support characters and stuffs them into a side-scrolling ...
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