SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘CrossCode’ Review, Mini-Views Featuring ‘Void Terrarium’, the Latest Sales, and More

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for July 20th, 2020. It’s an odd one today, friends. First of all, there are no new releases on the schedule at the time of writing. I add that last qualifier because there is a Nintendo Direct Mini set for today that could possibly see something shadow-dropped, but I can’t say for sure because it hasn’t happened yet as I write this. Well, no matter. We do have a full review of CrossCode, along with a couple of Mini-Views for you to check out. There is also a very big list of new sales to check out, so we’re not hurting for things to spend on by any means. Let’s look into it!
Check Out Today’s Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase
Time zones have made a fool of me once more, friends. By the time you read this, the suddenly-announced Nintendo Direction Mini: Partner Showcase will probably be done and dusted, but at the time I’m writing this the 7 AM PT video is still about eight hours in the future. You likely know what was shown in the 10-minute-ish presentation featuring previously-announced games from Nintendo’s partners, and I probably do too. But Shaun of the past does not, thus he can only speculate. Bravely Default II" Bayonetta 3" Hollow Knight Silksong" We’ll catch up on it tomorrow, but if you can’t wait head on over to Nintendo’s YouTube channel and feast your eyes. Reviews
CrossCode ($19.99)
How much of a great th...
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Uncharted 4 - Bounty Hunters Multiplayer DLC Trailer | PS4 |